
O God, this morning I have come into the quietness and stillness of your presence to begin the day, so that out of this moment I may take with me a quiet serenity which will last me through the rough and tumble of this day’s life.
I have come to find wisdom,
So that today I may not make any foolish mistakes.
I have come to find peace.
So that nothing may worry or upset me all through today.
I have come to find peace.
So that all through the day nothing may make me
bitter or unforgiving or unkind.
I have come to begin the day with you to continue It with
you, and to end it with you, so that
It will be day which will have in it nothing to regret.
Peace is flowing like a river,
Let it flow through you and me Spreading
to the desert Setting all the captive
free Joy is flowing like a river
Let it flow through you and me
Spreading to the desert Setting all
the captive free
Love is flowing......................
Our Father in heaven*/holy be your name*/you kingdome come*/you will be done or earth as in heaven* / Give us today our daily bread*/Forgive us our sins*/as we forgive those*/Who sin against us*/Do not bring us*/to the test*/but deliver us*/from evil.
We offer you, O God
Our studies and our prayers
And we beg you to enlighten our minds. And
make us ever pleasing to you.
We thank you, O God
For all the blessings,
You have bestowed on us this day
May we be ever grateful to you
Praise him, Praise him,
Praise him in the morning
Praise him in the noon time,
Praise him when sun goes down
Serve him, Serve him,
Serve him in tne morning
Serve him in the noon time,
Serve him when sun goes down
Thank him, thank him ..............
A happy band from far and near
We meet to learn, the right to dare
Beloved School JPS
Our love for thee shall never fail,
For God is all our strength
In him we do and dare.
The hard right against the wrong
Will cherish and rever.
Then proudly let us stand
Untied heart and hand
And pray that God may
Bless and keep JPS School ahead.
India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters.
I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.
I shall always strive to be worthy of it. I shall give my teachers,
parents and all elders respect and treat everyone with courtesy.
To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion in their well
being and prosperity, in which alone lies my happiness.
Thou are the protector the basis of life of the whole universe and self existent.
Thy contact frees the soul from all pains.
Thou pervades the multiformed universe and sustains all.
Thou are the creator of the whole universe. Giver of all happiness
and thy communion is sought by all, which is worthy of acceptance
and the most excellent.
So God purify our soul and direct our mental faculties.
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high.
Where knowledge is free.
Where the world has not been broken up into the fragments.
by narrow domestics walls.
Where words come from depth of truth.
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection.
Where the clear steam of vision has not lost its way into
The dreary desert sand of dead habits.
Where the mind is led forward into the ever widening
thought and action, into that heaven of freedom,
my father let my country awake
My father this, I ask of thee,
Knowing that thou, will grant my plea
For this and only this I pray
Strength for today just for today.
Strength forthe present hour and need,
This given then I am blest indeed.
For everyday as it comes will bring,
Sufficient strength for everything.
Strength for each trial and task,
What more my father should I ask.
Just, as I need it day by day,
Strength for my weakness this I pray.
Thank you God for food we eat
Thank you for water we drink.
Thank you for everything.
You bestow upon us and.
make us happy and joy.